
Help Riverside Apartments Save Their Home

Since 2008 the Riverside Tenants Association (RTA) has been fighting their landlord’s plan to build an underground garage in their backyard. Their buildings, the Riverside Apartments in Brooklyn Heights, were built in 1890 by philanthropist, Alfred T. White, who believed that the working poor deserve a standard of living conducive to health and happiness. Today, the eclectic style brick apartment complex hosts a vibrant community of artists, musicians, and young professionals, as well as the elderly, disabled war veterans and families with children who face a stronger than ever threat.

Summer 2019 Update: The Order from the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) on Riverside Tenants Association (RTA)'s petition was denied last month, and DOB has issued the landlord a new work permit.

Next Steps:

  • RTA's lawyer is issuing papers to stay the DHCR decision, which will include an architectural survey of the Riverside premises.

  • RTA's lawyer also filed an appeal with the NYS Board of Standards and Appeals to strengthen the basis for taking the landlord to court and halt the parking garage project. Currently, the BSA is reviewing this application.

  • Since any day now, the landlord may attempt to proceed in site prep work for construction, the Willowtown Association has solicited an independent legal proposal for a temporary restraining order to keep the landlord from digging.

Watch the WPIX Channel 11 Feature Story